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Good corporate citizen

Scandic aims to be and to be perceived as a responsible partner in society. This includes our initiatives in safety and security, purchasing and suppliers as well as ethical business practices and anti-corruption. It also includes Scandic in Society, our extensive community involvement initiative that has been running at all hotels since 2001.

Animal welfare

Promoting animal welfare is important to Scandic. Naturally, our suppliers are expected to comply with legislation. But sometimes, we may need to go even further. We are constantly evaluating the various parts of our operations to determine if Scandic’s requirements need to be tightened.

At Scandic Hotels, we stand behind the European Chicken Commitment (ECC) as part of our initiatives for better animal welfare. This means we will strive to ensure that 100 percent of the chicken we buy complies with ECC criteria by 2026 at the latest. In Sweden and Denmark, Scandic will go further and ensure that at least 20 percent of the chicken meat we serve comes from animals on free-range farms. 

Read more about ECC here: https://welfarecommitments.com/europeletter/

Trafficking & Prostitution

Scandic aims to do what it can to prevent trafficking and prostitution, which we know may occur at hotels. Among other things, Scandic’s team members are offered training courses to help them identify instances of these. In this area, we cooperate with police and experts to ensure that our knowledge is up to date.

Safety & Security

Hotels are more or less public places where anything can happen. This is why Scandic is always working to keep its hotels safe and secure. Staff training is an important part of this.

Every six months, Scandic carries out crisis management exercises to simulate possible relevant events, including extraordinary incidents such as terror attacks and lockdowns. These are run by Scandic’s Central Crisis Unit, which follows up on the results in a digital tool. In addition, Scandic also holds obligatory fire safety and evacuation courses as well as first aid training for team members.

All hotels have access to emergency help from the Scandic Crisis Call Center, a 24-hour service run by trained security staff. This can include contact with psychologists and crisis support staff.

Purchasing & Suppliers

When it comes to sustainable purchasing, Scandic’s procurement team receives the training and support they need to make the right purchases from the start. For guidance, they can refer to Scandic’s general and specific criteria for sustainable purchasing. These criteria include guidelines on suitable materials and substances and requirements to always apply the precautionary principle when evaluating materials and substances.

Sustainability is one of Scandic’s basic principles in connection with purchasing. Each purchasing project begins with sustainability screening. This involves criteria regarding the environment, anti-corruption, human rights and work environment. All suppliers that pass the selection process undertake to follow the principles in Scandic’s Supply chain Code of Conduct.

Scandic also regularly carries out risk assessments of the entire supplier base. Most of Scandic’s bigger suppliers are in the Nordic region and are associated with low risk. If there is uncertainty regarding a supplier, an in-depth investigation is carried out through a self-assessment. If deemed necessary, this may also be followed by an onsite audit of the supplier. All deviations must be addressed in the manner described in a corrective action plan approved by Scandic. The measures stated must be implemented within the agreed time frame for the supplier to remain under contract with Scandic.

Given Scandic’s size and strength, the company can place high demands on suppliers. Scandic maintains a continuous dialogue with suppliers to support their development. In special cases, suppliers may make comprehensive changes in their operations to meet Scandic’s sustainability requirements.

Business ethics & anti-corruption

Legal and appropriate behavior is fundamental to Scandic’s relationships with stakeholders and to ensure people trust us. Scandic complies with rules and legislation to eliminate, discover and handle all forms of corruption, including extortion, bribery, nepotism, fraud and money laundering. Anti-corruption is part of Scandic’s Code of Conduct for team members and Supplier Code of Conduct. One addition to the Code of Conduct is Scandic’s Anti- Corruption Policy. Deviations from Scandic’s policies can be reported anonymously through Scandic’s Whistleblowing Service, which is available both internally and externally.

Scandic in Society

Since 2001, Scandic has had a program called Scandic in Society where team members at Scandic hotels participate in at least three activities per year that contribute to the local community. Supporting the locations where Scandic operates in various ways is important to us. It instills pride in team members while nurturing important relationships with local residents and stakeholders. Activities are usually initiated by team members themselves and supported by local partners.

Examples of activities include initiatives where Scandic team members donate food, pillows, blankets and other items from our hotels or donate their time and energy to activities that benefit the communities where Scandic operates.

We also rent hotel rooms that would otherwise have been empty to students. The benefits are mutual. Scandic can reduce the loss of income and students lacking affordable housing can move into their own homes.

Next steps

At the end of the year, we began a review of Scandic’s policies, implementation and follow-up related to our role as a responsible social partner. This work will continue in 2024.