Scandic’s Nomination Committee proposes Gunilla Rudebjer as new Board member
The Nomination Committee is pleased to propose Gunilla Rudebjer as a new member of Scandic’s Board of Directors prior to the Annual General Meeting 2022. Gunilla has previously worked as Chief Financial Officer at Scandic, giving her solid experience of the company and its operations, which the Nomination Committee has taken into account. She has also held several leadership positions within finance and accounting, and has previous board experience. In particular, she will be able to contribute with regard to chairmanship of the Audit Committee and related matters. The Nomination Committee is also of the opinion that Gunilla will provide the Board with supplementary experience and expertise in relation to the Board members proposed for re-election.
Today, Gunilla Rudebjer is a professional board member who is currently active as a member of the boards of several companies. Gunilla has a MSc in Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics and has extensive and broad experience from the Nordic travel market, the hospitality industry and the service industry. Additionally, she has a solid background in finance and economics, partly from her positions as CFO and from roles as chair of the audit committee for several publicly listed companies. From 2009 to 2016, Gunilla was CFO at Scandic Hotels and earlier, she was CFO at companies including Cision, Parks & Resorts Scandinavia, Mandator and TUI Nordic.
Ingalill Berglund has informed the Nomination Committee that she will decline re-election to the Board at the 2022 Annual General Meeting in order to engage in other commitments. The Chairman of the Board, Per G. Braathen, would like to thank Ingalill for her many years of service to Scandic’s Board, especially during the past few challenging years where her contributions have been significant.
The Nomination Committee proposes that the Annual General Meeting re-elect the remaining current members of the Board, including the Chairman of the Board.
Scandic’s Annual General Meeting will be held on May 10, 2022 at Vasateatern, Scandic Grand Central, Stockholm. Complete information about the Nomination Committee’s reasoning will be presented on the company’s website in conjunction with publishing the notice to attend Scandic’s Annual General Meeting.
For more information, please contact:
Henrik Vikström, Director Investor Relations, Scandic Hotels Group
Email: henrik.vikstrom@scandichotels.com
Phone: +46 709 52 80 06
About Scandic Hotels Group
Scandic is the largest hotel company in the Nordic countries with more than 280 hotels, in operation and under development, in more than 130 destinations. The company is the leader when it comes to integrating sustainability in all operations and its award-winning Design for All concept ensures that Scandic hotels are accessible to everyone. Well loved by guests and employees, the Scandic Friends loyalty program is the largest in the Nordic hotel industry and the company is one of the most attractive employers in the region. Scandic Hotels is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.