Scandic continues to grow, adding another hotel in Oslo. Today an agreement was signed between Fornebu Hotell AS and Scandic, confirming that the new hotel on Fornebustranda will be run by Scandic.“The hotel has a fantastic outlook, both across the Oslo Fjord and for the future, with its location in a fast-expanding part of Oslo. With our own expansion in Norway due to continue over the next few years, signing this long-term agreement for Scandic Fornebu means adding another hotel with excellent prospects and a strategic location to our growing capacity,” comments Frank Fiskers, President and CEO of Scandic.
Fornebu Hotell AS is owned by IT Fornebu Eiendom and Ustillingsplassen Eiendom, a Hamar-based property company. The Narud Stokke Wiig firm of architects designed the hotel, which will have a floorspace of 17,000 m2, with 300 rooms, a restaurant, a spa and conference facilities for up to 1,000 people. It is located on the shore of Rolfsbukta bay, with views across the Oslo Fjord, putting it only ten minutes away from central Oslo, with excellent communications.
“As chairman of Fornebu Hotell AS, I’m proud and pleased that we have secured a leading hotel operator like Scandic to run the hotel, which will be the most important of Fornebu’s portfolio. As chairman of IT Fornebu, I’m also happy that we will now be adding the last building along the seafront, completing this part of the commercial development of the Fornebu peninsula,” explains Erik Løfsnes.
Work on Scandic Fornebu will start in summer 2010, with the hotel due to open in spring 2012.
For more information, please contact:
Frank Fiskers, President & CEO, Scandic, tel: +46 709 73 52 03
Geir Lundkvist, Country Vice President Norway, Scandic, Tel +47 92 887 708
Erik Løfsnes, Chairman Fornebu Hotell AS, tel: +47 97 569 597
Jessica Agert, Media Relations Manager, Scandic, tel +46 709 73 5013
e-mail: jessica.agert@scandichotels.comScandic is a modern hotel chain where conscious people come for inspiration and renewed energy. With more than 150 hotels and 30,000 rooms, we are already one of the largest hotel operators in Europe. And we are continuing to grow – within a few years, there will be over 200 Scandic to choose from. Visit