Scandic’s corporate governance aims to create value and positive returns on invested capital through risk management, effective organizational structure, internal control, and a sound corporate culture.
Scandic is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and the company complies with Nasdaq Stockholm’s Rule Book for Issuers and the Swedish Corporate Governance Code.

Scandic's culture and common ethics
At Scandic, our most important assets are our culture and the common ethics that guide our business. This includes caring about each other, providing fair working conditions, following rules and regulations, and taking care of our planet. To guide us, we have a Code of Conduct, the foundation together with its related policies that every team member at Scandic should be familiar with and live by.
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Jens Mathiesen
President & CEO. Employed since 2008. Member of Scandic’s Executive Committee since 2016.
Meet the Executive Committee
Per G. Braathen
Chairman of the Board of Directors since 2018. Member of the Board of Directors since 2007.
Meet the Board of Directors
Annual General Meeting
The general meeting is Scandic's highest decision-making body in which shareholders exercise their right to decide on important matters.
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